Monday, October 11, 2010

Taylor and the Corn Maze

Okay so me and Twitch went to the corn maze the other night. Here's what happened.
1) We re-recorded my voicemail.
     Twitch: Hey this is Taylor. Allie died in a terrible accident so what nice people do is that they leave a message and their names and then when I resurrect her dead body, Allie will call you back.
     Me: Just kidding!! Do what she said anyways.
2) We stood in line.
     Me: This would be the perfect setting for a slasher film!! There's all these fake monsters, so there would be one out there that was for real killing people. I'd be the retard to go up and be like "Are you gonna kill me??" -smiles-
     Then he'd nod I'd be like yaaaayyy and he pulls out this knife and I'm like "Oooooo it's so shiny!! -touches it- OUCH! So realistic!!
     Then he slits my throat and I'd start blacking out and I'd be like "WOW!! Is this green screen??" And then I'd survive anyways, get out, and say "They were such good actors!! I'm going back next year!!"
     Twitch: laughs histarically
3) Ticket booth
     Me: -looks at sign: 12 and under $8, adults $10- yeah, we're both 12 :)
     Twitch: .....wha???
     Ticket lady: -fake laugh- that'll be $20
you could tell she wanted to hit me.
4) Entrance
     -guy reaches out his hand for my ticket-
     Me: -smile fades, pout comes, hands over phone-
     Dude: I meant your ticket...I mean I'll take your phone if you want me to...
     Twitch: -laughs-
5) 5 steps in
     -dead clown jumps right in front of us from the wall-
6) Beginning
    Me: -goes up to every monster in sight- Can I take your picture?
7) There was this girl who had this insane mask on with this painted sundress that hugged her petite little body
     Twitch: You have an amazing body. Just thought you should know that
8) The entire time, me and Twitch were going do do do do do do do do (to the tune of the Halloween jingle) as she was "harmonizing" and THEN we found out it wasn't Halloween it was the Twilight Zone...
9) Werewolf jumps out
    Twitch: PUPPY!! -huggles- Are you Jacob?
10) We made the scarecrow pole dance
11) 2 monsters with a guy in a "body bag" (hefty garbage bag) laying on the table
     Monsters: Come see our dead body!! (creepy weird husky voice)
     Me: Ooooo a dead guy!! Can I poke him?
     Monsters: Don't touch!!
     Twitch: are you guys serving dinner?
     Monsters: no this is our dead body
     Twitch: -pokes-
     Monsters: Don't touch!!
     Twitch: Aw! But I'm hungry :/
12) Twitch goes up to a monster and starts speaking Japanese
     Monster: -growling- konichua
     Twitch: -says something Japanese- -pets monster- -walks away-
     -monster follows-
     Me: Hey Taylor, look!!
     Twitch: -slowly turns head- -examines monster- boo!
13) About halfway through, there were some "monsters" who didn't have costumes. One looked like my friend, Garrett.
     Me: Are you Garrett?!
     "Monster": No
     Me: Aw :/
Then the guy and his friend started flirting with us!! So I grabbed her hand and skipped away.
14) There was one monster with a mask that was made to look like he had some crazy teeth and boils and crap and Twitch starts pokin' em     Me: WOW your teeth are messed up!!     Twitch: Are you gonna bite me? -inserts finger in mask mouth- -grabs top and bottom of monster's mouth- om nom nom
15) Twitch: I'm gonna go up to the next monster and pretend to have a seizure!!      Me: I'll do BAD acting like -monotonously- "Oh help her..."      Twitch: Then I'll jump up and be like "Just kidding!!" And run away screaming
16) We made the guy in the chicken suit do the chicken dance, then hugged him
17) There was a monster squated in the middle of the path and Taylor thought he was a midget.      Twitch: HOLY CRAP!! YOU'RE SHORT!!     Me: CAN I HUG YOU?!     -guy stands up-     Twitch: aw :/     Me: Can I hug you anyway?     Monster: Taylor Bothwell.     Twitch: Eep? -pulls off mask by nose-     It was this guy we know, Tyler. I dislike him. I see him.     Me: Oh, never mind let's go
18) There was this girl that was the only one who wouldn't break character and she was a possessed doll     Girl: I know the way out. It's dangerous out here. Follow me.     Me and Taylor (unison): -shrugs- -happily- Okay :)     -guy jumps out of nowhere, grabs girl, drags her away as she screams-     Me and Taylor: -still smiling- Kay, bye!!

19) We passed by the same girl later from the other side of the maze.
     Girl: I have something I need to show youuuuuuuu
     Me: Oh, hey! You didn't get murdered!
     Twitch: Nope. She just got molested. Let's go!!
     -lock arms and skip away-

20) Chainsaws
      Everyone around us started screaming bloody friggen murder, me and Taylor just stood there with these dumb smiles and then continued skipping

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