Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Paris Hilton Joke, South Park, and Corn Dogs

Twitch has the PERFECT Paris Hilton impersonating voice. It's hilarious.

We were watching House of Wax. Could NOT for the life of us take it seriously. It was between 1 and 4 in the morning. They kept playing this commercial about some zombie tv series thing that's coming out onto that channel. Being the smart ass I am, I couldn't resist.

"Zombies look like dinosaurs...I want one."

Me and Twitch were feeding off of each other. I said that. She said:

"Daddy, go buy me a dinosaur, then make a zombie bite it."

I don't even remember most of what we said...we were mostly yelling at her stupid character. I'll record us next time so I won't forget anything.

Last night, I was watchin South Park with her on the phone. Which led to this:

"What up with the random sheep?"

I can't remember the funny stuff!! D:

But I do remember this: the other night I was in my sisters' room and I wasn't wearing my contacts. I didn't know we had corn dogs. Brooke came in with a corn dog.

Me: Is that a corn dog?

Brooke: Nope, I deep fried my penis.

So, I wish I could remember the funny stuff cuz this didn't turn out right...

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