Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's Cover The Basics

My natural hair color is a mousey-dust bunny brown color which turns dark brunette in the winter.

My favorite color is orange.

My middle name is Nicole.

I love photography, poetry, books, and music.

I wanna be a diagnostician, but I'm also gonna do world missions with my music.

I play guitar and some piano.

I love Calli Lillies, but I hate roses because they remind me of weddings and funerals. But I love Arizona roses. Cuz they're orange. I also love Lobelias, Orange Blossoms, and Forget-Me-Nots.

I only chew fruity gum. Particularly the Citrus stuff.

My favorite school subject is...hmm...if I'd stayed at my public school, it would've been either Creative Writing or Acting.

My eyes change colors. They always have brown in them, but they turn gold, green, dark brown, black, gray, and in rare cases blueish.

I hate chick flicks with a passion.

I LOVE Chili's, Applebee's, Olive Garden, and Grand Pacific Buffet

I do not have braces. I have not had them.

I have 2 sisters, an older stepsister on my mom's side, two younger stepsisters on my dad's side, a half brother on my dad's side, and a half sibling cooking in the oven on my dad's side.

My sisters' names are Becky and Brooke, my older stepsister is Casey, the child-sized evil on my dad's side is Hannah, other stepsister is Noel, my half-brother is Andrew, and being that IDK the gender of the coming baby, IDK what its name is gonna be.

I prefer chicken over beef depending on the way it's cooked and I HATE tofu and soy products.

I only have one scar and it's around the back of my right ankle where I snagged it on a barbed wire that was loose a few years ago.

I have only one birthmark and it's really light and it's in the middle of the left side of my back. I also have a beauty mark on my left shoulder blade.

I want between 3 and 5 kids. But no more than 5. I want mostly boys, but I still kinda want one girl. I like the names for the girls...I like the unusual names that are less common but still pretty like Kristen, Sloan, and Aubrey. Which happen to be 3 of the names that are gonna be in my book.

I would definately bungee jump or sky dive or parasail or learn to ride a motorcycle. I'm an adrenaline junkie :)

I wouldn't run a marathon if I were in fact physically capable of doing so >_<

If the president were in the room, I am the type to walk up and introduce myself. I don't get starstruck. They're people just like us. They just had to work to get where they are. But fame doesn't last forever.

I prefer vanilla over chocolate. I prefer French Vanilla over regular vanilla.

My favorite season is...either summer or fall. I love the feel of summer with the sun on your face and the wind in your hair and the particular summer-y smell in the air. I love how green everything is. I love the pools and the gym and the rest that you get. I love the feeling of being drama-free and carefree. I love that I can drive around with all the windows down and blaring my sterio for no real reason. Mostly, I love that I can be at my church as much as I want. Church concert!! Woo!!
I love fall also. It's cooler, but still warm. The leaves change colors so it makes for the prettiest pictures. I love the fresh smell that the light showers bring to the air. But I hate the back-to-school feeling. Yet at the same time, I miss everybody. So...yeah, I choose summer.

I have very few things that I'm afraid of. If you wanna get highly technical, there are only two things I'm genuinely afraid of. The rest is either paranoia or highly unlikely.
  1. I'm not afraid of the dark, but I'm afraid of the shadows. (See my Paranormal Blog)
  2. I'm afraid of demons, evil spirits, exorcisms, being possessed, and things of that nature
  3. I'm afraid of knives and sharks and sharp objects (but just the bigger ones like meat clevers)
  4. I'm afraid of rejection
  5. I'm afraid of putting myself out there, leaving everything that I've kept hidden exposed, and getting the wrong reaction or worse...
  6. I'm afraid to fall out of love (main fear)
  7. I'm afraid for someone I love to fall out of love with me (other main fear)
  8. I'm afraid of infertility and menopause
  9. I'm afraid that if I go on the pill it would make me infertile
  10. I'm afraid of auditioning for American Idol and winding up on the Bloopers Auditions (the people who are remembered as the ones who sucked the most)
  11. I have stage fright issues because of my fear of rejection
  12. I'm afraid to become a teen mom (or for any of my friends to have kids while in high school)
  13. I'm afraid to lose the people that I'm the closest to
  14. I'm afraid that when I graduate high school, the friends that have become like my family (and Nick)...that I'll never see them again.
  15. I'm afraid of backwash
  16. I'm afraid of phlem (however you spell it) and drool
  17. I'm afraid of trusting people because I'm afraid they'll destroy my trust
  18. Obviously, I have trust and abandonment issues
  19. I'm afraid that my parents will read my blog
  20. I'm afraid of losing self control
That's everything that I'm afraid of.

I love playing guitar, singing, photography, piano, books, movies, researching topics that other people overlook, learning new things, my car, stuff that I read in the Bible (it's interesting!!), and researching comparisons of other religions. I figure if your gonna know how to talk to a person, you need some background. I hate when people try to "convert" people when they don't know anything about the person's religion, what they were taught growing up, personal beliefs, and personal experiences. Get your facts straight!! And DON'T beat them over the head with the Bible and tell them they're going to hell. That's just gonna piss them off and push them farther away.

If I had to pick a spot to vacation that was in the city, at a beach, or in the mountains, I'd probably choose the beach. I'm used to LIVING in the city (before I moved), and I like the warmer weather. Mountains would be my next choice.

Silver vs. gold: I choose white gold. I don't like yellow gold. If not white gold, I pick silver.

I have lots of random, weird pet peeves. A few in particular. I hate when people try to get in debates with me politically, religious, or otherwise in order to feel like they "won" something (see my blog, where I'll post these debates uneditted). I hate when my nail polish chips, I hate the sound of knuckles, necks, and spines being popped, I hate walking through water in my socks, I hate when other girls flirt with my guy, I hate overshot PDA (making out/practically dry humping in public), I hate people who try to get in arguments when they have no clue what they're talking about, I hate bad hair days, I hate when my roots come in, I hate people who try to change you, I hate jealous bitches, I hate people who try to use God to justify hate, I hate judgemental people, I hate it when people are flaky, I hate 2-faced people, I hate POSERS, and I hate scenie weanies (people who wanna be exactly like the "emo" group and then say "I'm not emo because I don't cut myself". I'm gonna do a rant on them on the blog link above.)

My favorite junk foods are nachos, popcorn, pizza, and soda. I hate chocolate unless something is dipped into it. Even then, I'm picky.

My drink of choice is Dr Pepper.

I do NOT bite my nails. I used to, but I bit too far back. It's a gross and disgusting habit and it makes disturbing noises. And if you go too far and they end up infected, you're SCREWED. That's not what happened to me. I'm just sayin'.

I don't know what's the farthest I've traveled from home...I've lived in Memphis, TN my whole life, but I've been to Indiana, Florida, Missouri, Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas, and I believe at one point Georgia.

In the ongoing Coke vs. Pepsi debate, I hate both. I like Dr Pepper.

I am NOT a morning person, but I don't get cranky. I tend to stay up late, but that's because I'm incapable of falling asleep until between 1-2 am. And I CANNOT be awake at 3 am because it is the demonic witching hour. Jesus died on the cross at around noon. 3 am is the supposed opposite of said time. Therefore it is the demonic witching hour and coincidentially the time of day which the most demonic possessions occur.

Ironically, I do not believe in coincidence.

I would NEVER have plastic surgery.

There are only two things about my body that make me insecure: my nose and my ass. I have my dad's nose. But it's a button-nosed version. But it's like...unproportionate in my opinion. It's big in some places but overall is small. I dunno...and as far as my ass is concerned, I have a genetic low iron count in my blood stream so it LOOKS like cellulite. But it looks awesome in jeans. Just not in least not to me.

Overall, I'm really comfortable with my body. I have no lovehandles, I have an hourglass figure, I have a 34 D bra size (yes I just put my bra size on the internet, but I'm PROUD of that shit!!), and I loveee my color-changing eyes. I hate my natural hair color though.

I use Tempt by Maurice's (perfume brand. They don't carry it anymore. But I've made it last for...4 years now. And it's a .33 fl oz size). I also use the Secret matching deoderant and body mist. I wanted the pomegranite and sandalwood, but I have the cucumber aloe one right now. I have the Caress Evenly Gorgeous Exfoliating Body Wash with Brown Sugar Beads and it smells AWESOME and it gets rid of dead skin so it makes ya really soft. I really don't use lotion very often, but when I do it's usually Sweat Pea or Vanilla Sugar if I can find it...

I am a procrastinator. I'm doing it right now actually...I'm supposed to be doing Geometry...

Well, that's the basics :)

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