Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Random Things That Pop Into My Head During My Desperate Attempts to Summarize the Iliad

I GOTTA SHOWER TODAY!! Sorry...I'm just happy cuz my hair's all soft. I do bathe, but normally I'm kinda crunched with time so I only have time to once or twice a week. I know it's gross. But, technically, you're only supposed to shower every 3 days because it's bad for your hair to shower daily. The water and chemicals in shampoo and crap strip your hair of its natural oils, so if you do it too much, cows will mistake your hair for hay and try to eat it. You perverts!!

Where did the term "shampoo" come from? It's such a random word. It reminds me of Nigga Higga's "Sham Woohoo" vid from youtube. Funny as crap. It's a spoof of the shamwow thing.

For the record, I don't use the N-word. I don't do it because it's their word. That's dumb. I don't use it because it's racist and disrespectful. Even as a joke. For the same reason, I don't use G.D. either (goddamn). It's just rude and no one enjoys listening to people talk like that. That said, yes I cuss some. Not as much as I used to, but it's still a pretty bad habit to quit. Just like biting your nails. It doesn't do you any good, so don't start.

The problem with STOPPING is that you get to where you don't think about it when you do it, so it just slips out and you don't notice. Plus, it expands your vocabulary in ways that other words don't translate to that extent. Even though it's still generally just an interjection...

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