Monday, October 25, 2010

My Drunk Friend Milky

I was textin Milky last night and this was HILARIOUS and I had to share it with you guys. Pay attention to the spelling - not the words.

I have a different convo from a few months ago that I'm puttin up on my Spiritual Blog.

Milky: Hey!

Milky: U know, u never gave me a detailed thingy....

Me: Hey sorry I didn't hear my phone

         and yeah Twitch stayed the night thats why...

Milky: Understandable. Next time u talk to her tell her I wanna talk to her but I deleted Facebook so I can't              unless she has another way. And, how are you?

Me: ***-***-**** <-- her cell

        she doesn't have textin tho

        and im alright. Party's next friday

Milky: I already have her cell. Lawl. I canr talk on the phone thoufh, Unlesd it's like pastr 12 am (midnight)             and, I knoe she doeesn't have texting. And I know rhe party is next Friday, sasd to say, I can't make             it =|

Me: Aw that sucks

        and tay is practicallyan insomniac so u can talk to her after 12

Milky: F*** yes!!!!:D she is no joke a real insomniac like mw? I'd she is that's amazing!!!:D I haven't met             one likr me yet!!!! :D and, yss I knor rifht?

Me: She can't sleep til after 4. Mostly paranoia. But she usually doesn't sleep unless shes with me

Milky: Lawl. Paranoia, thdtsa a funny worfd!!!! :D Ans, okay. Ima call her sometime! (: what s uo alli-            San!?

Me: Watchin family guy
         r u drunk?

Milky: Just a tad bir nor to mbad. And, awesome! I loveeeee peter lol!!!!:D

Me: How much is a tad bit? Ur slurring ur texts

        and me too XD

Milky: 26 lettas in ds alphabtet:D Linkin lark!:) thid shir is trippin me thenhell out!!!! Lawl!!' and yess!!!!!

Me: U mispelled linkin park. Fail.


Milky: Have hou heard this sonf????? It's tripptyyy as hell!!!! Lol. It's in their album,             "MMM...cookies" :DDSSDDDDDFDDDDD ababahahahahahahahahahah

Me: What song??

Milky: "26 leeters in the alphabet"!!!!! :DDDD lmao!! Omfg Ans "you ain't got the gotsta" Hahah. This              album is teippinf me rhenhell out!! Gosh! I'm flipping my shit!!

Me: Haha clearly

Milky: Whst does that mean!!??? Lol/ am im line clealrtly drunk? Bahah

Me: Repeat the question?

Milky: Whstat doesss that messn? Ans, am in like clearly drunk?

Me: Ans am in like clearly drunk.

        and am i like clearly drunk

        is that what u meant?

Milky: Yes!!! Lawllllllllll. Oops. My speellong is off...haha

Me: Ur speellong is off. Hadnt noticed :P haha

Milky: Hahahahahah!!! Ooosssss!!! Loll. I think I drank roo much...

Milky: Ohhhh emmm geee I found another borttttllleeee!!!:DDDD

Me: Oos u drank roo much and u found another bortle.

         imma keep pointing this stuff out XD

Milky: Bahahahahaahahahahahaah!!! Why??!!!!! Lawwlwlwlwlwlwlwlw!!!! Pets get freaky now let's get              fhcking freaky now :D freaks!!! BrokeNCyde!!!:D

Me: Cuz it entertains me

Milky: Lawl! What convo did Yoi use on your blog between us?

Me: The one about the religious perspective of the holocaust. And i havent got it up yet

Milky: Oh. You don't gave to pur me anony mous about that onr. Lawl.

Me: I know but that was before u started dating ali remember?

Milky: Your point? She knows I'm ahnostis

Me: Thats when u were askin me out before yall started dating

Milky: Your gonna put that up as well? Lawl. Idc. Lol.

Me: I have to it was part of it i saved the text so id have answers to debates about the holocaust

Milky: Lawl. It's fine. I don't I'm drunk remember? Yoiu have my full persmisssinn             allisonsssssssss<3 I loveeereerrsss you sisssssssssssss!!!!:D <3 bur how many fexts did yoinsave             because that ws a long as he'll cneversaition?

Me: I saved the whole conversation. I saved it on my laptop. And imma still put it up as anonymous cuz u         might change ur mind

Milky: Nooo!!!! I swear in won't chanfe my mind!!! So don't pur it as anonymous!!!!

Me: Okay...but like u said ur drunk. When ur sober again, r u sure u wont change ur mind?

Milky: Yes I'm completely sure bein drunk doesdnr hurt my decisnon making procsees one bit.

Me: Teehee procsees

Milky: What?!!! Hahah

Me: U said procsees

Milky: So what? Lolll

Me: I find it funny...the typos

Milky: Donr make fun od my drhbkedness!!!

Me: Bahaahahahahahahahaha


Milky: What!!!? Lol. Stop makinf fun of me!!

Me: Bahahahahahahaha

Milky: What??!!! Jeeze chill!!!

Me: Its so funny!!

Milky: How??)?!!

Me: Im readin it out loud

         its hilarious

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