Monday, October 11, 2010

Taco Bell and Sleepover (continuance from last post)

When we were in the last bits of the corn maze, I kept grabbing the monsters and asking "Do you know Gir's Doom Song?" and "Do you know Michael Myers' middle name?"

Then we went to Taco Bell. And this guy came up to us when we were at the spot where you get straws, lids, napkins, and sauces (one of which is friggen GREEN and called Verde which is Spanish for green. It frightened me.) and he was like "me and my friend were wondering if you guys wanted to come eat with us" and we thought we had to leave and he was like "aw DEnial."

Then we were leaving the place and Twitch was like "How old were they??" and I had no clue. They looked older than they were. So THEN we discovered that we in fact did NOT have to leave yet. So we went back in and sat with them. I was being a little more quiet than normal...IDK why, I just was. And I told Taylor she was like SHOWERING her personality all over the place, and I know she'll be reading this when it goes up sooo XD

But, yeah one of the guys recorded her speaking fluent Japanese followed by "Well what else do you want me to say?! I like pandas..."

And THEN came Taylor Swift on the radio D: Twitch LOVES her. I cannot stand her.

She'd come on in the car on the way there. Taylor was being a Sharpay Hound. She stuck her head out the window and pointed at every car we passed while giving them the Evil Monkey look. Then we were at a stop light and the person beside you always smiles and nods. He prolly shouldn't have. She sat there and stared at him til he said something
     Dude: Hi how are you?
     Twitch: HEY! I'm good. I'm Taylor! What's your name??
     Dude: -begins to answer-
     Twitch: -cuts him off- We're going to TACO BELL!!!!!!!! Wanna come??
     Dude: Nahh I'm good
     Twitch: -turns to me and we laugh-

I stayed the night with her that night (2 nights ago). I'd been caughing up junk cuz I'd popped Mucinex like...2 days before...delayed reaction...
She had a cold. We were both kinda conjested. Yet we still played guitar. Hers is alot bigger than mine (My sister's, not Luna. It's the same size as Isabelle, but she's at my dad's so I haven't played that one in a while)

It was like 2 something in the morning and we went out to her car to get the guitar. I'd been recording us for most of the night. She was like "You have to be very quiet downstairs." So I said okay.

Her mom was asleep, so when we got downstairs, it was dark and creepy, so for the humor of it I started going "Do do do do do do do do" (see last entry)

Then my recording messed up and it got deleted. Bummer.

But we took about 35 pictures!! Imma put em up in a little bit. I'm on my mama's computer, so I can't right this second. Gimme 10-20 minutes cuz my laptop is being retarded.

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