Monday, October 25, 2010

Pregnant Fatties and Breaking Doors

Convo with Milky today. Nuff said.

Milky: Hey!

Me: Hey can i put our convo up from last night? It was hilarious!!

Milky: But but but!!!! Fine...make sure I'm credited for that shit! :D did you get the picture?

Me: I am and yes!! It was awesome!! Did u take it??

Milky: Yep I took dat hoe :D that was the best day of my freaking life that day, ooohhhh :D

Me: Haha

         im watchin childs play

         the kid is adorable!!!!!!!!! I want one

Milky: No Allison no!!! We don't want yougetting all fat and eating a lot!!! Besides!! Your boobie's will             drop a bit if you do!

Me: Thats only if ur fat

Milky: If u get pregnant u will get far!!! Lawl

Me: Will not!!

Milky: Yes u will!!!!:D and just accept it!!!

Me: I wont. Not gonna happen. And im callin the entry "my drunk friend milky"

        XP teehee

Milky: Lawl!!!! Do you use our conversations more than your other friends? Lol. And, Bahahahah

Me: Yes cuz ours are either debates or just funny

         i use twitch's stuff too

Milky: True true!!:) I jut got off the phone with Sydney. Sorry for late text back. I started a Facebook trend              lol. :D Bahahah. Oh, how are you ?

Me: Good i just watched the 2nd childs play movie

Milky: Lmao!!!:D I'm on the phone again, with her. Lol. Whatcha doing?

Me: I broke my sister's door!!

Milky: Bahahahahaahahahahahaah how!!!? And wowwwwwwww

Me: Pulled the bottom half off the hinges...

Milky: Bahahaha!! Wow!!!:D I just got off the phone lol.

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