Sunday, December 19, 2010

Show Your Support. Draw a Butterfly

I was just asking for you to all draw a butterfly for Cobi. I know you don't know him that well and you caught him in a calm moment. Normally he's got more energy and he's always funny and he's the protective big brother figure. You guys, I know you don't know what he's been thru...this vid says pretty much all that.

Meeting Cobi

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Random Questions From Blogger

Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

What's the earliest you've gotten up to watch cartoons and what did you see?
Describe the sound of a moist waffle falling onto a hot griddle.
What was the stage name of your favorite actress before she was born?
The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?
Why do you think honeydew is the money melon?
You can whistle and steam can whistle, so why do you sing in the shower?
You have to dig a hole to China. Where do you start?
Paper or briefs?
If mud is dirt plus water, what is clay?
If you were a wrestler, what would be your finishing move?
What would you wear for camouflage if you were hiding in a gingerbread house?
You have a red jar of cedar chips. Why do moths miss the forest?
Your pajamas have duckies on them. Why did you switch from choo-choos?
The hair from your last haircut ... what would it say about your new style?
You've rented a sky-writer to propose to your significant other, but it's completely overcast. What will you do?
When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?
How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?
You've been entered in a shadow puppet contest. What's your best pose?
Radio wire is often used to make bird nests. What station do they listen to?
You get to ride the big roller coaster three times in a row. What will keep your dad from taking a bite out of your candy apple?
The wicked backspin caught you off guard. How will you play it off without losing your footing?
Why does the taste of pennies remind you of losing a tooth?
Which do you prefer and why: whittling with soap or whistling with wood?
Unlike a dog, how can a turtle ever be naked?
Create a tagline for a new line of plastic bedsheets.
What spells can you cast with magic markers?
That can't really be a fish you're standing on, can it?
Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?
Please describe how you could take the peel off an apple all in one go:
What would you name your ballet inspired by the sight of children leaping through a garden sprinkler?
When your science teacher smashed a frozen rose with a hammer, did you warm the petals to bring them back to life?
This is a colon : and this is a semi-colon ; - what's a semi-truck?
Compose the lyrics to a new national anthem that features an animal sound at least once:
If you drive on a parkway why don't they make the whole plane out of that?
What's the most amount of sand you've ever had in your swimming trunks?
Why does the color blue mean raspberry-flavored?
The squish of mud between your toes; how would you live your life as a frog?
Foxes are clever and tigers are cunning. So, what's your cat's safety school?
Which is easier to make a model airplane out of and why: a banana peel or a wet sock?
You've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head?
What kind of tape is best for creating a sculpture?
The first time you had your shoes taken off - how surprised were you to see that you still had toes?
If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?
Whoops! Your tongue is now a magnet. Whatever will you use for silverware?
For your birthday, your aunt gave you a maple syrup dispenser shaped like a rooster. Please write her a thank-you note:
If you were a pirate, how would you avoid laughing when saying 'poop deck'?
You laughed so hard you can't catch your breath. Stick out your tongue and show us what's funny:
You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?
You moved the pot before the coffee stopped brewing. Do you smell the mountains or the burro?
You can punch a hole in an apple using a straw. How do you think that makes your milkshake feel?

This Is For MANDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blub Blub

Burn the Frogs

Hippie Bus


Congradulations. You've wasted your life.

Catchin' Up for Thanksgiving (2 part vid)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Frustration and Irritation (My Explanation)

Cover is going up tomorrow on my Music/Movies Blog.

Weekend with Taylor ( 0_o )

I had Twitch over all weekend (      insert "woo" here     ) and, as promised, we made vids. We practically killed ourselves in the process as well.

Want more? Go to Tay's blog:

TAYLOR!!!! We forgot to teach them how to do the macaroni!! Oh well, we'll do it in a few weeks.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Will Gladly Hump Your Leg For a Cheeseburger (I didn't say it.)

Violated by Retarded Diabetes (Yup)

                                                              Sorry Tay o.O haha
                                                          (it isn't what it sounds like)

Harleigh and the Grinch

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Follow Me For My Self Esteem (Because It's What Jesus Wants)

I know I said I wasn't gonna post this today, but I changed my mind.

Missing Vids

Hey you guys I'm sorry, I meant to post these vids yesterday. I took them a couple nights ago, so this is gonna be slightly out of order.

                                                      Insane Singing and Calculator Humor

David (in case you were wondering) is a guy friend of mine. He's the singer/guitarist for Deadfall Rd. Look them up on MySpace. They have a band page. They're like a punk-ish alternative rock group. They're pretty good. Okay, my honest opinion is that you can tell they write their own songs. But I like the band and David is cool. He's the one with the curly hair.

Also, I know my T-shirt says "Bolton Wildcats". That is the high school that I went to before I started homeschooling. I still have my gym clothes.

                                                    Baskin Robbins Midnight Run (Part 1)

                                                     Baskin Robbins Midnight Run (Part 2)

                                                        Does Anybody Want This Biscuit?

                                                                     Vids With Tay

New Hair!!!!!!!!!!

You can't tell very well, but what I got done was a chocolate base, then I had my normal blonde only this time it's a platinum blonde, and I put black and burgundy streaks in it. But the burgundy is more of a blood color.

At first I didn't have makeup on cuz I came straight from bed, so that's why the first few look different. I did my makeup and took more pics when I got home.

Cereal and Milk

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Hair New Pics

So I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. Imma dye it blonde, pink and orange.

Imma post some pics of the cut and color seperately



Also, I'm puttin' 3 new vids up tomorrow, so be watchin for them!!

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I just wanted to let everybody know that I now, once again, have an IMVU account. My chick even kinda looks like me XD

My user name: allison2433

Look me up!! I'd love to talk to you guys!!

Becky's "Costume"

I took pics for a better view. They show her when she was still wearing the 7 bras. Confused? Watch my last 2 vids.

Epic Movie Backwash

Okay, basically the title is what Becky wanted to be for Halloween. I got to do her costume to an extent >:) you'll see

All Nighter (Diabetes and Awful Singing)

I'm not normally this mean we were just kidding

I also love gays and I am not racist


diabetes diabetes diabetes diabetes diabetes diabetes diabetes diabetes diabetes diabetes

HYPER use my links!!

Spying on the Guys

What I had said was, "in case you were wondering, I gauged up to 6's"

New and Random Pictures

My eyes were really really green and this is how my hair looks naturally

Slow-Mo Winking

Friday, October 29, 2010

My Life of the Day 10-29-10

So, there's not much to say for today. I've been on my blog pretty much all day, I made Tay's blog for her, I didn't get around to recording the songs today (which will go up on my Music/Movies Blog tomorrow. Link: and I talked to Nick for a little while.

In case you're curious, this past wednesday I found out that I might not be able to go back to Vintage until February and I cried. A lot. And Nick is the person I always cry to, I just don't let him know I'm crying. That's the beauty of texting. But also, I was really upset because he's been with Brit for almost 3 months just feels like a long time...I don't want him to be in love with her...and I don't want him to change his mind about me...I guess I'm just genuinely terrified to lose him.

But I didn't tell him the second part of what had me so upset. And it's annoying the crap outta him. He hates it when I'm like "I have something that I need to say" and then I don't tell him what it is. Which, technically, what I needed to tell him was that there was another reason besides the thing about Vintage that had me upset. I did tell him that. I just wouldn't tell him what it was. I don't wanna make him feel bad for trying to be happy. And I don't wanna cause problems that could otherwise be avoided.

I do, however, enjoy annoying him. Cuz it's fun ^-^ but he's not the innocent little victim, either, he does it right back.

On another note, I haven't talked to Austin since...actually for probably a week or two. Oh well. I still have no clue what Imma do yet about the whole him and Nick thing...the way I see it, if Nick can date other people, so can I.

Two problems with that, though:
  1. Whenever I date anyone besides him, I feel like I'm cheating on him, and I always worry about if he's gonna get jealous or hurt because I wanna avoid that. I don't wanna knowingly hurt him.
  2. I don't wanna feel like I'm using Austin as a rebound or to get to Nick.

Something you should always ask yourself before dating a new person is this:
"Would I be dating them still if the other person I want was available?"

The answer to that, in my case, if I'm being 100% honest with myself....would probably be no....but the difference is this: me and Nick have been on and off since we were 13. I'm turning 16 next Saturday. No one does, can, or ever will be able to compare to him....he's my soul mate, I think. I've thought that for 3 years now....the problem is he doesn't truely know it yet. Granted he knows to an extent, but that extent was only brought up once and it was almost 3 months ago...I just don't want him to change his mind about me. Especially not because of her....

Well, this was my life today. Consider your life wasted by reading this. Here's a duck.

Twitch's World

Hey peeps!! Just wanted to let everybody know that I set Tay up her own blog thingy and so if you like the stuff I tell about me and her, you should like the things on her blog cuz she's gonna put her own stuff up.

The Link:

Also, if you wanna just click her pic, she follows all of my different blogs on here. She also follows Sami and Milky.

Now here's a picture of something random.

Bitches With Dishes

Epic Battle of the Dumb Whores


Paris Hilton got arrested for drug possession. She had a bag of crack and said that someone had dropped it and she picked it up cuz she thought it was gum. Despite the fact it was powder. In a Ziploc bag.

Also, me and Tay have all these jokes making fun of Paris Hilton, and we were watching House of Wax, and this commercial kept coming on about a zombie movie. And I was like making fun of Paris Hilton and I said "Zombies look like dinosaurs...I want one." and Taylor was like, "Daddy, go buy me a dinosaur!" and I was like "And make a zombie bite it."

We're talking right now.

Paris: Daddy! No! You got me the wrong one! This one's fat! Take it back and get me a skinny one with a 6-pack. No, daddy, it's not dangerous. It's a puppy. With a really big dick. Breed it with my chihuahua

Kim Kardashian enters

Kim: Paris! I'm borrowing some of your gum...

Paris: No, it's my floor gum! It's my special powder gum to keep you from getting fat because regular gum makes you fat. Just like food. Food makes you fat. Unless it's made of ice and water. And nobody likes a fat person.

Kim: Whatever... -takes-

Paris: No! It's mine!

Kim: -bakes into cookies-

Paris: No! Cookies make you fat. You're fat. You should kill yourself, fat person. Cuz you're fat. You and your big ass. Which is fat.

Khloe Kardashian enters

Khloe: -used splash which was super effective (Pokemon joke about MagiCarp)-

Paris: Ahh!! No!! You just got me all wet...that's hot. But, shit! I don't have my white T-shirt on....

Khloe: Paris, you're a whore.

Paris: Well, you're fat. And that's why you don't have friends. Cuz you're fat.

Khloe: -punches in face-

Paris: Ahh!! .....that's hot.....

Khloe:'re f***ing stupid.

Paris: .....what?

Dinosaur disappears

Paris: Wait...who took my puppy?

Kim: The cookies are done!!

Khloe: -om nom nom-

Paris:'re fat...

Khloe: I feel weird -barfs-

Paris: ......that's hot......

Paris turns to Kim

Paris: You bitch, you stole my puppy. I have to feed her. Guess she won't get her leaf of lettuce this week...

Kim: I didn't do anything. You're the bitch. -slaps-

Paris: Ouch... -touches face- wha....what did you do?

Kim: -turns to cookies- om nom nom

Paris: -pouts-

Martha Stewart enters

Martha: Butter butter butter butter butter....butter

Paris:'re fat. You eat a lot. You shouldn't eat. Eating is bad. Eating means food. Which makes you fat. Like you. Cuz you're fat.

Martha: Butter?

Paris: Yes, I just called you fat. Cuz you are. And you have no friends. Since you're fat.

Khloe: -grabs huge ass tub of butter and spoon- om nom nom

Paris: Ew....that's kinda hot....

Miley Cyrus enters

Miley: Howdy y'all!! Who wants some homeade jerky? I got it from my uncle. He's a cannible.

Paris: That's hot.

Kim: That's gross.

Khloe: -om nom nom-

Martha: Butter?

Miley: Yeah! Let's drown it in some butter. Nothin like the possibility of clogged arteries and a heart attack! -grabs Khloe's butter bucket, heats over fire til it's melted, dumps over people jerky til bucket is empty thereby filling whole room up past the countertops- Sweet nibblets! I can't swim! -drowns-

Paris: That's're hot...but you're fat. And I don't like fat people. Cuz they're fat.

Khloe: -slurps-

Kim: -also drowns-

Martha: Butter!!

Everyone dies. Room drains. Miley comes back from the dead.

Miley: Y'all are so funny, playin' dead like that!! Oops!! I done gone and peed myself from laughin!! Don't y'all know I can't die?? You're funny. You're too funny!! -dies from laughing-

The world is now a happy place, and the starving dinosaur comes back and eats all of their dead bodies.

                                                  The End

This is a List of Celebrities I Don't Like (for Twitch)

Paris Hilton (She's got some kind of mental defect. She HAS to be retarded)

Miley Cyrus (She puts on a wig, changes her voice BARELY, and she gets paid TWICE as much for it. She has NO talent, she sounds like she's sick when she sings, and the only reason she is famous is because her daddy was already so they're just like "HEY! Wanna be famous?")

Miranda Cosgrove (I liked her as Megan. Not as Carly. Carly is a goody goody. That's not realistic AT ALL. That said, I love Sam cuz she's a bad ass and Jennette McCurdy didn't get her start on iCarly and is a talented actress.)

The Show Big Time Rush (the guys WAY over-do talking at the same time. But they're good singers. And half of them are sexy. By half I mean James and Logan. But James looks like a pretty lesbian.)

Kim Kardashian (There is a REASON that she doesn't get paid to talk. God knows what possessed people to start following her with cameras)

Justin Beiber (In Ivey's words, "He sounds like a PMSing 3-year-old" and he looks like a manly lesbian.)

Kourtney Kardashian (She's paranoid and I swear could have an all-questions conversation with a stick.)

Khloe Kardashian (She's a bitch to her family and to everyone who she's not friends with and always complains about how "fat" she is. If you're THAT concerned, but down the fork and DO something about it.)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Just Lettin' Ya Know

Brooke: You're a beaner!

Me: You're a racist!

Brooke: You're a smelly laboring Mexican!

But, I just wanted to say that I sound really weird recorded. I don't sound so ditzy in person. I promise.

Vid Happy

These are a couple vids of Harleigh from shortly after we first got her.

Becky's Jellyfishing Song


So when I upload my vids HERE, they work. So, I'm gonna record my rants and but them on my Controversiality and My Opinions Blog (which is my debates and ranting blog.)

Becky the Lion

This is my sister. She wanted me to make her look like a lion. Haha Becky. Haha.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Paris Hilton Joke, South Park, and Corn Dogs

Twitch has the PERFECT Paris Hilton impersonating voice. It's hilarious.

We were watching House of Wax. Could NOT for the life of us take it seriously. It was between 1 and 4 in the morning. They kept playing this commercial about some zombie tv series thing that's coming out onto that channel. Being the smart ass I am, I couldn't resist.

"Zombies look like dinosaurs...I want one."

Me and Twitch were feeding off of each other. I said that. She said:

"Daddy, go buy me a dinosaur, then make a zombie bite it."

I don't even remember most of what we said...we were mostly yelling at her stupid character. I'll record us next time so I won't forget anything.

Last night, I was watchin South Park with her on the phone. Which led to this:

"What up with the random sheep?"

I can't remember the funny stuff!! D:

But I do remember this: the other night I was in my sisters' room and I wasn't wearing my contacts. I didn't know we had corn dogs. Brooke came in with a corn dog.

Me: Is that a corn dog?

Brooke: Nope, I deep fried my penis.

So, I wish I could remember the funny stuff cuz this didn't turn out right...

Mice (For Twitch)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pregnant Fatties and Breaking Doors

Convo with Milky today. Nuff said.

Milky: Hey!

Me: Hey can i put our convo up from last night? It was hilarious!!

Milky: But but but!!!! Fine...make sure I'm credited for that shit! :D did you get the picture?

Me: I am and yes!! It was awesome!! Did u take it??

Milky: Yep I took dat hoe :D that was the best day of my freaking life that day, ooohhhh :D

Me: Haha

         im watchin childs play

         the kid is adorable!!!!!!!!! I want one

Milky: No Allison no!!! We don't want yougetting all fat and eating a lot!!! Besides!! Your boobie's will             drop a bit if you do!

Me: Thats only if ur fat

Milky: If u get pregnant u will get far!!! Lawl

Me: Will not!!

Milky: Yes u will!!!!:D and just accept it!!!

Me: I wont. Not gonna happen. And im callin the entry "my drunk friend milky"

        XP teehee

Milky: Lawl!!!! Do you use our conversations more than your other friends? Lol. And, Bahahahah

Me: Yes cuz ours are either debates or just funny

         i use twitch's stuff too

Milky: True true!!:) I jut got off the phone with Sydney. Sorry for late text back. I started a Facebook trend              lol. :D Bahahah. Oh, how are you ?

Me: Good i just watched the 2nd childs play movie

Milky: Lmao!!!:D I'm on the phone again, with her. Lol. Whatcha doing?

Me: I broke my sister's door!!

Milky: Bahahahahaahahahahahaah how!!!? And wowwwwwwww

Me: Pulled the bottom half off the hinges...

Milky: Bahahaha!! Wow!!!:D I just got off the phone lol.

My Drunk Friend Milky

I was textin Milky last night and this was HILARIOUS and I had to share it with you guys. Pay attention to the spelling - not the words.

I have a different convo from a few months ago that I'm puttin up on my Spiritual Blog.

Milky: Hey!

Milky: U know, u never gave me a detailed thingy....

Me: Hey sorry I didn't hear my phone

         and yeah Twitch stayed the night thats why...

Milky: Understandable. Next time u talk to her tell her I wanna talk to her but I deleted Facebook so I can't              unless she has another way. And, how are you?

Me: ***-***-**** <-- her cell

        she doesn't have textin tho

        and im alright. Party's next friday

Milky: I already have her cell. Lawl. I canr talk on the phone thoufh, Unlesd it's like pastr 12 am (midnight)             and, I knoe she doeesn't have texting. And I know rhe party is next Friday, sasd to say, I can't make             it =|

Me: Aw that sucks

        and tay is practicallyan insomniac so u can talk to her after 12

Milky: F*** yes!!!!:D she is no joke a real insomniac like mw? I'd she is that's amazing!!!:D I haven't met             one likr me yet!!!! :D and, yss I knor rifht?

Me: She can't sleep til after 4. Mostly paranoia. But she usually doesn't sleep unless shes with me

Milky: Lawl. Paranoia, thdtsa a funny worfd!!!! :D Ans, okay. Ima call her sometime! (: what s uo alli-            San!?

Me: Watchin family guy
         r u drunk?

Milky: Just a tad bir nor to mbad. And, awesome! I loveeeee peter lol!!!!:D

Me: How much is a tad bit? Ur slurring ur texts

        and me too XD

Milky: 26 lettas in ds alphabtet:D Linkin lark!:) thid shir is trippin me thenhell out!!!! Lawl!!' and yess!!!!!

Me: U mispelled linkin park. Fail.


Milky: Have hou heard this sonf????? It's tripptyyy as hell!!!! Lol. It's in their album,             "MMM...cookies" :DDSSDDDDDFDDDDD ababahahahahahahahahahah

Me: What song??

Milky: "26 leeters in the alphabet"!!!!! :DDDD lmao!! Omfg Ans "you ain't got the gotsta" Hahah. This              album is teippinf me rhenhell out!! Gosh! I'm flipping my shit!!

Me: Haha clearly

Milky: Whst does that mean!!??? Lol/ am im line clealrtly drunk? Bahah

Me: Repeat the question?

Milky: Whstat doesss that messn? Ans, am in like clearly drunk?

Me: Ans am in like clearly drunk.

        and am i like clearly drunk

        is that what u meant?

Milky: Yes!!! Lawllllllllll. Oops. My speellong is off...haha

Me: Ur speellong is off. Hadnt noticed :P haha

Milky: Hahahahahah!!! Ooosssss!!! Loll. I think I drank roo much...

Milky: Ohhhh emmm geee I found another borttttllleeee!!!:DDDD

Me: Oos u drank roo much and u found another bortle.

         imma keep pointing this stuff out XD

Milky: Bahahahahaahahahahahaah!!! Why??!!!!! Lawwlwlwlwlwlwlwlw!!!! Pets get freaky now let's get              fhcking freaky now :D freaks!!! BrokeNCyde!!!:D

Me: Cuz it entertains me

Milky: Lawl! What convo did Yoi use on your blog between us?

Me: The one about the religious perspective of the holocaust. And i havent got it up yet

Milky: Oh. You don't gave to pur me anony mous about that onr. Lawl.

Me: I know but that was before u started dating ali remember?

Milky: Your point? She knows I'm ahnostis

Me: Thats when u were askin me out before yall started dating

Milky: Your gonna put that up as well? Lawl. Idc. Lol.

Me: I have to it was part of it i saved the text so id have answers to debates about the holocaust

Milky: Lawl. It's fine. I don't I'm drunk remember? Yoiu have my full persmisssinn             allisonsssssssss<3 I loveeereerrsss you sisssssssssssss!!!!:D <3 bur how many fexts did yoinsave             because that ws a long as he'll cneversaition?

Me: I saved the whole conversation. I saved it on my laptop. And imma still put it up as anonymous cuz u         might change ur mind

Milky: Nooo!!!! I swear in won't chanfe my mind!!! So don't pur it as anonymous!!!!

Me: Okay...but like u said ur drunk. When ur sober again, r u sure u wont change ur mind?

Milky: Yes I'm completely sure bein drunk doesdnr hurt my decisnon making procsees one bit.

Me: Teehee procsees

Milky: What?!!! Hahah

Me: U said procsees

Milky: So what? Lolll

Me: I find it funny...the typos

Milky: Donr make fun od my drhbkedness!!!

Me: Bahaahahahahahahahaha


Milky: What!!!? Lol. Stop makinf fun of me!!

Me: Bahahahahahahaha

Milky: What??!!! Jeeze chill!!!

Me: Its so funny!!

Milky: How??)?!!

Me: Im readin it out loud

         its hilarious

Sunday, October 24, 2010

1 More Week...

So, my birthday is next saturday. I'm turning 16. I'm having this huge party thing. We rented out the auditorium at Singleton and I'm having about 100 people there.

See originally, I had a list of 102 people outside of family and mom was gonna try to get ahold of Ryan or Chad to see if Nickelback would play (she's cool with the band. Like I said, she's a stripper, so she meets people.) But Ryan recently got married and she couldn't get ahold of Chad so I got a friend's band playing.

I was gonna have Deadfall Rd. play cuz David - last I checked - kinda liked me....

BUT I've been friends with Luke since 5th grade. And he's an epic drummer. Plus Alec has played guitar for 7 or 8 years now and he's AMAZING so they'll be great.

But, see, I have this problem...I sorta intentionally invited both Josh and Wheeler mostly to make Nick feel uncomfortable cuz he can't bring his gf...and Austin will be there...I guess as my date...

I'm not trying to make him jealous. I'm not trying to use anyone. I'm definately not trying to hurt anyone...I just wanna be around the people who I care about. But...I don't know...I love Nick...I...I don't know what to expect with him and Austin together. I don't want drama.

But I know for a fact that I can't make Austin happy. Even if I tried. He may think I can but...if I can't be happy with him, he can't be happy with me. No one can be genuinely happy in a non-lasting relationship. I mean, it's inevitable that we break up. So why start something that's destined to fail?

Every relationship has two potential results: you get married or you break up. It's just the way it is...
I know I won't marry Austin. He's not the one. And if he's with me, it holds him back from finding the right's selfish...besides, I love Nick...what am I trying to prove? I guess I wanna scare him a little...but that's not the only reason I like Austin.

Why can't it be easier? When two people are meant to be together, it's insanely obvious to everyone around them BUT them. I know it. Nick...I hope he knows...f*** I hate this. How am I supposed to see him next week and pretend that I'm happy? I know I have to...and Twitch wants in on it as my accomplice haha. But...I don't know...I can't stand the person I have to be right now...but I don't have much of a choice...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Condo in Cali and Naming Goldfish

Twitch and I have decided that when we turn 18, we're going to move to California and get a condo out there.

I wanna take summer classes in college. They are shorter than the semester classes, but you cover just as much material.

There are 3 Assemblies of God colleges out in Cali, and it's FAR away from Tennessee. I love it here, but the world is so much bigger than the place you grew up...I wanna travel. I wanna take vacations and see things that you couldn't see anywhere else. I wanna learn things about different cultures and history and junk.

Starting with Cali.

We have it all planned out: there's a really good music program in all three colleges. I'm gonna major in that and minor in world missions so I can travel with my music. And Twitch can take classes in music at the school I go to cuz she wants to major and minor in songwriting and...something. I forgot.

We've decided we're gonna have 5 mice, 3 kitties, 4 puppies, a monkey, a ferrit, and 100 goldfish. We will attempt to drown the goldfish in the bathtub.

Their names:

     -for the mice-
(1) black mouse #1:                        Leroy
(2) black mouse #2:                        Madam Uber Fluffy Skittles
(3) white mouse:                              Madam Uber Marshmallow Puff
(4) gray mouse:                               Chuckie Cheese
(5) brown mouse:                            Tom Cruise

     -for the puppies-
(1) brendle English Bulldog:              Jesus
(2) Border Collie:                            Kalru
(3) Pug:                                           Hikaru
(4) Beagle:                                       Cujo

     -for the kitties-
(1) Artemis
(2) Aphrodite
(3) Athena

     -for the ferrit-
(1) Ferrit Bueler

     -for the goldfish-

...I don't know...we didn't really talk about that part...I'll just make something up & she'll see it later and laugh hysterically. I'll name them after random shit that I find in the medicine cabinet and whatever illegal drugs I can think of off the top of my head.

(1)   Mary Jane
(2)   Marijuana
(3)   Pot
(4)   Cocaine
(5)   Crack
(6)   Pepto Bismal
(7)   Heroin
(8)   Benedril
(9)   Zyrtec
(10) Claritin
(11) Methylprednisolone
(12) Tri-Sprintec [yes, I'm naming my fish after my brand of birth control.]

I can't think of anymore...let's move onto diseases and medical problems.

(13) Stroke
(14) Heart Disease
(15) Brain Cancer
(16) Kidney Failure
(17) Ovarian Cist
(18) Leukemia
(19) Gonherrea
(20) Genital Warts

Now let's name some from the things you learn in sex ed

(21) Ovaries
(22) Filopian Tubes
(23) Testosterone
(24) Estrogen
(25) Ejaculation
(26) Jizz
(27) Cum
(28) Orgasm

And now we'll name some as states of being and ideas

(29) Sarcasm
(30) Irony
(31) Menepause

I'm not very good at this...let's name some after old people

(32) Rose
(33) Lulu
(34) Violet
(35) Frank
(36) George
(37) Harrold
(38) Bob
(39) Jim
(40) Bill

Now let's name some after hillbillies

(41) LuAnn
(42) Billy Bob
(43) Hank
(44) Molly
(45) Papa Joe

Now let's name some as...f*** I don't know...dead celebrities.

(46) Billy Mayes
(47) Michael Jackson
(48) Brittany Murphey
(49) Farrah Faucet
(50) er....Joan Rivers [whatever, she's close enough]
(51) Elvis Presley

Now let's name some after bands that used to be popular but have since split and/or died out or maybe are just really really old. This also includes any singers that applies to. This means they've been around for at LEAST a decade.

(52) the Beatles
(53) Soft Cell
(54) the Rolling Stones
(55) AC/DC
(56) Ozzy Osbourne
(57) the Jackson 5
(58) Lenny Kravitz
(59) Cheap Trick
(60) Aerosmith
(61) R.E.O. Speedwagon
(62) John Bon Jovie
(63) Guns 'N' Roses
(64) Poison
(65) Danzig
(66) Nirvana
(67) Twisted Sister

Now let's name some after the characters in random movies and childhood fairy tales

(68) Gammy Numnum
(69) Jaws
(70) Chuckie
(71) Freddie Krueger
(72) Jason
(73) Santa
(74) Toothfairy
(75) Easter Bunny
(76) Mother Goose

Now let's name them after the people I can't stand

(77) Ashley
(78) Tara

Actually, that's prolly tempt me to flush them...let's name them after Disney Channel stars instead [who I can't stand] and Nickelodeon actor people who's agents assume that they can automatically double as singers.

(77) Miley Cyrus
(78) Selena Gomez [Yes, she's hot. And talented. But she's on Disney Channel. Therefore she gets no                                  respect from me.]
(79) Vanessa Hudgens
(80) Zac Efron
(81) Taylor Swift [Twitch LOVES her. I can't for the life of me stand her because she's capable of doing so                              much more with her voice than what she does AND I still maintain that she sounds like she                             writes her songs based off of a diary she wrote back when she was 7. She's f***in 20.]
(82) Miranda Cosgrove [I liked her as Megan for Drake and Josh when that show was still playing                                       regularly. She was evil, therefore she was my favorite character. But iCarly f***in                                       SUCKS and she CANNOT sing.]

This is pissing me off. Let's name some after....hmm....the things listed on my school's write-up form.

(83) Homicide
(84) Attempted Homicide
(85) Stalking
(86) Attempted Stalking
(87) Bomb Threat
(88) Assault of a Student
(89) Assault of a Teacher
(90) Possession of a Weapon
(91) Sexual Harrassment

F*** there's prolly rape on that form. Hey! I'll name one that! I'll do theft while I'm at it.

(92) Rape
(93) Theft let's name them after the 7 deadly sins

(94) Gluttony
(95) Envy
(96) Lust
(97) Slander
(98) Gossip
(99) False Testimony

And now let's name one Sue.

(100) Sue.

The End!! Oh, and the monkey's name is Spike.