Sunday, June 3, 2012

NO MORE RERUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I made a vid, but it gets a bit glitchy at the end so Blogger wouldn't let it upload...basically, imma be shooting covers all summer!! I missed you guys!!

Here's what you've missed:

1. The reason for my silence for so long is because I spent the last school year at my aunt's house. My mom and I were having issues.
2. I got my bellybutton pierced as a belated Christmas present from my aunt and it's really cool and I am happy :3
3. I cut my bangs (I did them myself and they do not look completely terrible!) and the rest of my hair is getting long
4. I'm turning 18 in November!! (That's 5 months and 3 days)
5. I moved back home on May 22nd
6. I'm still with my guy <3 (Yes, we had some problems last summer, but it's all good now.)
7. I have NOT had the chance to write more songs, practice my vocals, or play much guitar :/
8. I got a camcorder for Christmas so I can shoot covers :D
9. I do have a song that I haven't released on here yet (I'm waiting til New Year's - I know y'all miss Taylor!)
10. I took down any past covers because I felt that I didn't do them to the best of my ability and I'm going to go back and do them right :)

 Here's something fun to look at.

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