Tuesday, March 29, 2011

For A Close Friend

You know who you are.
     You're not a player.
          I know you.
               You're a lover at heart.
                    You're afraid.
                Of being judged
          by someone you love.
     Of losing someone
who you care about.
     I know who you are.
          You're strong
               even though you think you're weak.
                    You're amazing
               even though you don't like yourself.
          You're fearless
     when it comes to love.
You're easily hurt
     so you make yourself hard to know.
          You think you're unknown
               so you fade into the background.
                    You hide in the shadow
               of those around you.
          You try to make their standards low
     so you can't disappoint them.
I know who you are.
     You're smart
          but you don't think so.
               You're talented
                    but you don't believe it.
               You work hard
          to do everything for everyone else.
     Everyone but yourself.
You're selfless
     and thoughtful
          and whole-hearted
               and genuine.
                    You're my best friend.
               Don't hurt yourself.
          Don't slip away.
     Don't ever feel like you're anything less
than perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks :) I actually wrote about this person in the book that I've been talking about that I've been writing so I'll be following up on it.
