Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Random Questions From Blogger

Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

 Random Question:

What's the earliest you've gotten up to watch cartoons and what did you see?
Describe the sound of a moist waffle falling onto a hot griddle.
What was the stage name of your favorite actress before she was born?
The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?
Why do you think honeydew is the money melon?
You can whistle and steam can whistle, so why do you sing in the shower?
You have to dig a hole to China. Where do you start?
Paper or briefs?
If mud is dirt plus water, what is clay?
If you were a wrestler, what would be your finishing move?
What would you wear for camouflage if you were hiding in a gingerbread house?
You have a red jar of cedar chips. Why do moths miss the forest?
Your pajamas have duckies on them. Why did you switch from choo-choos?
The hair from your last haircut ... what would it say about your new style?
You've rented a sky-writer to propose to your significant other, but it's completely overcast. What will you do?
When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?
How do you pronounce the 'g' in bologna?
You've been entered in a shadow puppet contest. What's your best pose?
Radio wire is often used to make bird nests. What station do they listen to?
You get to ride the big roller coaster three times in a row. What will keep your dad from taking a bite out of your candy apple?
The wicked backspin caught you off guard. How will you play it off without losing your footing?
Why does the taste of pennies remind you of losing a tooth?
Which do you prefer and why: whittling with soap or whistling with wood?
Unlike a dog, how can a turtle ever be naked?
Create a tagline for a new line of plastic bedsheets.
What spells can you cast with magic markers?
That can't really be a fish you're standing on, can it?
Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?
Please describe how you could take the peel off an apple all in one go:
What would you name your ballet inspired by the sight of children leaping through a garden sprinkler?
When your science teacher smashed a frozen rose with a hammer, did you warm the petals to bring them back to life?
This is a colon : and this is a semi-colon ; - what's a semi-truck?
Compose the lyrics to a new national anthem that features an animal sound at least once:
If you drive on a parkway why don't they make the whole plane out of that?
What's the most amount of sand you've ever had in your swimming trunks?
Why does the color blue mean raspberry-flavored?
The squish of mud between your toes; how would you live your life as a frog?
Foxes are clever and tigers are cunning. So, what's your cat's safety school?
Which is easier to make a model airplane out of and why: a banana peel or a wet sock?
You've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head?
What kind of tape is best for creating a sculpture?
The first time you had your shoes taken off - how surprised were you to see that you still had toes?
If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?
Whoops! Your tongue is now a magnet. Whatever will you use for silverware?
For your birthday, your aunt gave you a maple syrup dispenser shaped like a rooster. Please write her a thank-you note:
If you were a pirate, how would you avoid laughing when saying 'poop deck'?
You laughed so hard you can't catch your breath. Stick out your tongue and show us what's funny:
You've successfully slain the dragon! How will you toast your marshmallows?
You moved the pot before the coffee stopped brewing. Do you smell the mountains or the burro?
You can punch a hole in an apple using a straw. How do you think that makes your milkshake feel?

This Is For MANDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blub Blub

Burn the Frogs

Hippie Bus


Congradulations. You've wasted your life.

Catchin' Up for Thanksgiving (2 part vid)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Frustration and Irritation (My Explanation)

Cover is going up tomorrow on my Music/Movies Blog.
Link: http://www.musicmoviesblog-allison2433.blogspot.com/

Weekend with Taylor ( 0_o )

I had Twitch over all weekend (      insert "woo" here     ) and, as promised, we made vids. We practically killed ourselves in the process as well.

Want more? Go to Tay's blog: http://www.twitchs-world.blogspot.com/

TAYLOR!!!! We forgot to teach them how to do the macaroni!! Oh well, we'll do it in a few weeks.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I Will Gladly Hump Your Leg For a Cheeseburger (I didn't say it.)

Violated by Retarded Diabetes (Yup)

                                                              Sorry Tay o.O haha
                                                          (it isn't what it sounds like)

Harleigh and the Grinch

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Follow Me For My Self Esteem (Because It's What Jesus Wants)

I know I said I wasn't gonna post this today, but I changed my mind.

Missing Vids

Hey you guys I'm sorry, I meant to post these vids yesterday. I took them a couple nights ago, so this is gonna be slightly out of order.

                                                      Insane Singing and Calculator Humor

David (in case you were wondering) is a guy friend of mine. He's the singer/guitarist for Deadfall Rd. Look them up on MySpace. They have a band page. They're like a punk-ish alternative rock group. They're pretty good. Okay, my honest opinion is that you can tell they write their own songs. But I like the band and David is cool. He's the one with the curly hair.

Also, I know my T-shirt says "Bolton Wildcats". That is the high school that I went to before I started homeschooling. I still have my gym clothes.

                                                    Baskin Robbins Midnight Run (Part 1)

                                                     Baskin Robbins Midnight Run (Part 2)

                                                        Does Anybody Want This Biscuit?

                                                                     Vids With Tay

New Hair!!!!!!!!!!

You can't tell very well, but what I got done was a chocolate base, then I had my normal blonde only this time it's a platinum blonde, and I put black and burgundy streaks in it. But the burgundy is more of a blood color.

At first I didn't have makeup on cuz I came straight from bed, so that's why the first few look different. I did my makeup and took more pics when I got home.

Cereal and Milk

Monday, November 1, 2010

New Hair New Pics

So I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. Imma dye it blonde, pink and orange.

Imma post some pics of the cut and color seperately



Also, I'm puttin' 3 new vids up tomorrow, so be watchin for them!!