Sunday, June 3, 2012

NO MORE RERUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I made a vid, but it gets a bit glitchy at the end so Blogger wouldn't let it upload...basically, imma be shooting covers all summer!! I missed you guys!!

Here's what you've missed:

1. The reason for my silence for so long is because I spent the last school year at my aunt's house. My mom and I were having issues.
2. I got my bellybutton pierced as a belated Christmas present from my aunt and it's really cool and I am happy :3
3. I cut my bangs (I did them myself and they do not look completely terrible!) and the rest of my hair is getting long
4. I'm turning 18 in November!! (That's 5 months and 3 days)
5. I moved back home on May 22nd
6. I'm still with my guy <3 (Yes, we had some problems last summer, but it's all good now.)
7. I have NOT had the chance to write more songs, practice my vocals, or play much guitar :/
8. I got a camcorder for Christmas so I can shoot covers :D
9. I do have a song that I haven't released on here yet (I'm waiting til New Year's - I know y'all miss Taylor!)
10. I took down any past covers because I felt that I didn't do them to the best of my ability and I'm going to go back and do them right :)

 Here's something fun to look at.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Garrett's New Horror Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my God you guys I know it's been FOREVER since I've been able to post. I've missed you all so much :/ I just got a camcorder for Christmas but it needs batteries and we JUST got wifi hooked up again hence my lack of posts and covers.

Just wanted to let you guys know that there are a couple things that you've missed since I last posted and this is one of them. Garrett has started writing a horror blog. It's friggen amazing (from a not-so-bias standpoint). But be warned: he does a lot of cliffhangers and I've informed him of his status as an asshole for that.

Anyway, it's really great and I'm so proud of him for it cuz I had no idea he could write like that. I keep finding myself being pulled into his writing and y'all know how picky I am. Here's the link:

If you love me, read over half of the posts, follow, and comment telling him that I sent you :3
I love you all!!
Random picture time!

You gotta love my friends XD <3

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tooth Fairy Dilemma

Hey you guys!! I know it's been a while since I've posted...sorry about that but I just wanted to tell y'all a couple things.

1. Turns out, I'm not crazy!!
2. I pretty much dropped outta therapy after the 1st visit cuz we moved right outside of Nashville
3. My mom left Mac and she's seeing this guy Tim and they're talking about getting married and he's quite the shit.
4. I broke my phone which is why I haven't been posting - I've had nothing to make my vids with. BUT Tim's getting me a new phone some time in the next couple weeks and he's opening me a saving's account.
5. I have impacted wisdom teeth that hurt like bitch tits and I'm getting surgery tomorrow to get them removed. Imma be on a soft food diet, no soda, no straws, no spitting, no chewing, no slurping. So, yeah, they're gonna sedate me and put me under so I'll be out cold and then loopy as hell. Wish I could film that shit for y'all!!
6. I keep getting bit by ticks. Those little bastards just need to die out.
7. We're gonna all attempt to stop cussing. That does not start today.
8. Y'all will be meeting Tim as soon as I get a working camera.
9. I've learned a few new songs so when I get a camera, I'm gonna go back to doing my covers and such.
10. Garrett left me again. Not sure what I did this time. That's just a side note. I'm not moping. I'm not depressed. I'm just kinda lonely I guess. I miss him, yeah, but I have some guy friends who've been awesome so it's all good. And a couple girls too...

So, that's about it. Also, I've written up through chapter....7? 8? In my novel. I might end up quitting on it or starting over in some areas. Thing is, I prolly won't get it published because it tells my story as long as the stories of some close friends of mine so I may start a seperate blog here for it where no one can see it unless I let them OR I'll try to get permission from the friends used. I will NOT reveal hidden identities unless given permission by the person who the character represents. The only thing in the book that is changed is the names (and the convo with the therapist).

Okay that's pretty much all for me. Here's a pretty picture 'cause I know y'all miss my random pics: