Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Garrett's New Horror Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh my God you guys I know it's been FOREVER since I've been able to post. I've missed you all so much :/ I just got a camcorder for Christmas but it needs batteries and we JUST got wifi hooked up again hence my lack of posts and covers.

Just wanted to let you guys know that there are a couple things that you've missed since I last posted and this is one of them. Garrett has started writing a horror blog. It's friggen amazing (from a not-so-bias standpoint). But be warned: he does a lot of cliffhangers and I've informed him of his status as an asshole for that.

Anyway, it's really great and I'm so proud of him for it cuz I had no idea he could write like that. I keep finding myself being pulled into his writing and y'all know how picky I am. Here's the link:

If you love me, read over half of the posts, follow, and comment telling him that I sent you :3
I love you all!!
Random picture time!

You gotta love my friends XD <3